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Aprs Ui-View32 Fixed Station Manual

To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community siteon the Internet. A 'portal' that hams think of as the firstplace to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part ofwhat’s happening with ham radio on the Internet.

Aprs ui-view32 fixed station manual instructions

Aprs Ui-view32 Fixed Station Manual Instructions

EHam.net providesrecognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and buildthe site.This project involves a management team of volunteers who each takea topic of interest and manage it with passion. The site will standabove all other ham radio sites by employing the latest technology andprofessional design/programming standards, developed by a team ofcommunity programmers who contribute their skills to the effort.

Aprs Point

Thesite will be something that everyone involved can be proud to say theywere a part of.The eHam.net Team, Revision 10/99.